Monday, 26 November 2012

Yr.13 Independent Assessment Work

Now that you have identified the relevant AO levels in class, you must now apply them to the attached case study.

Remember that it is key to apply your AO level knowledge in each task. Select link below for case study.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Yr.12 Business Half-term Study

Very well done to you all today when completing the test - I look forward to marking them all.

Ensure that you all complete 'The Importance of HR' hand out that I gave to you.

Enjoy your break - great start to the course.

Mr Allum

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Yr.12 Business - Period 2 cover - Thursday 25th

You should all be almost ready for your end of term test tomorrow as you have now completed the Eggheads activity cards and had a revision/quiz lesson yesterday.

Today's Task:

Today you simply need to create individual revision posters on ALL that you have learnt this term.

I will be back in the lesson before the end so you must have something to give me individually.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Year 10 P.E

Please use the link below to revise and complete the revision tasks about Muscles.

Monday, 25 June 2012

The Cooper Business Department mobile app.

The Cooper School Business Department now has a FREE mobile app. for students and parents to download.

It provides a wealth of information including course break downs, reading material and useful links to video clips for all business students at The Cooper School.

Should you feel there is anything that we have missed, please do let us know.

For link to android app click below:

Cooper Biz Android app.

For link to iPhone/iTouch etc app enter the address below in to your browser on your phone:

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Year 10 Business Mascot homework

Task 1

You must first create a checklist to used to evaluate the success of a mascot. It must have at least 8 different requirements or aspects for grading on it. You may wish to look at some previous mascot entries on this blog to help you get some initial ideas.

Task 2

Using the checklist that you created for task 1, you now need to pick 3 mascots from any industry (Sport, charity, food etc) and evaluate how successful you think they have been using your newly created criteria.

Due Date: 26/6/12

Monday, 18 June 2012

How to create a successful sports mascot?

Year 10 Business Studies

Your task is to create a new Euro 2012 Mascot and Logo. Mascots are not simply chosen because they look good or funny. Instead they are created as an image that is both marketable to a mass market, but also convey a sense of personal identity for that country/club or organisation.

You may wish to use the link below to help you think of some reasons as to why your design is as it is...

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Year 10 Business Comm. - Why have a company mascot?

Using the link below, you must firstly read the article attached to give you some background information.

The Company Mascot article - Click here...

Your task is to write an article in reply in which you explain whether you feel a company mascot is important or not.
You must consider:

·Advantages and disadvantages

·Target groups

·Merchandise possibilities

·The image or reputation that the mascot could create

·Any examples of successful or unsuccessful company mascots (this will require you to do some independent research)

NB - Remember each of your articles will be published on the blog so ensure that you have completed the task in the correct and appropriate manner expected of you.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Year 10 Business Comms. Homework

As discussed during your lesson today your homework this week is to revise all that we have covered so far this year in preparation for your test next Tuesday.

Remember to use your class notes, revisit Mr Allum's twitter feed and try tutor2u for further assistance.

Click here for Mr Allum's twitter feed

Click here for link to tutor2u

Mr. Allum

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Year 10 Business Comm. - Easter Homework

Your task is to write a magazine article that is appropriate and professional enough for publication.
You need to write a persuasive article, that details the pros and cons of using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft PowerPoint. 
nYou must:
nUse Microsoft word to produce your article.
nHave appropriate use of images and pictures.
nEnsure it has a professional feel and approach.
These will all be bound together and will create a complete magazine about Presentation software, to which you will have all contributed.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Yr.10 Business Communications Leaflets Homework

For your homework you need to find two different documents and evaluate both of them. This means that you need to provide detailed comments upon each one explaining both the good and bad points to each one.

You need to find an example of analyse the following two documents:
  • A leaflet for a local gym
  • A job advertisement for your favourite job
What you need to evaluate is the overall look and effectiveness of the two documents. Is the layout correct? Are there good use of pictures? Is the font and size helpful of all headings etc...

Due Date: 27/3/12

Friday, 9 March 2012

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

A Level business Test and Mark scheme

Attached below you will the original exam that you did and a mark scheme that will help you grade each question paper given to you.

Remember, if you know and recognise how the exams are marked and how to achieve each mark for each question, then you will be able to get yourself a better grade.

This will be the first of such exercises that we will practise up until your exam.

Click here for the test questions

Click here for the mark scheme

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Year 10 Business Comm Project Homework

For your homework you need to ensure that all of the tasks are completed upon application software and that your portfolio's are ready to be submitted at the beginning of your next lesson (next Tuesday)

S1 is available during Friday and Monday lunch time should you require the computers and any other resources.

Mr Allum

Monday, 16 January 2012

A Level Business Studies - Classification of Business Sectors

Most attention is aimed at 2, 4 and some 6 mark style questions, with a couple of stretching 10 mark questions included too.
Longer 14 and 18 mark questions are not included here.  

1.      Explain the difference between a "franchisor" and a "franchisee" (4 marks)
2.      Outline two advantages and two disadvantages of setting up a new business to run a franchise (4 marks)
3.      Define the term “sole trader” (2 marks)
5.      Explain why there are so many sole trader businesses in the UK (4 marks)
6.      List two advantages and two disadvantages of setting up in business as a partnership (4 marks)
7.      Who owns a partnership? (2 marks)
8.      What is the difference between “unlimited liability” and “limited liability” (4 marks)
9.      Define the term “shareholder” (2 marks)
10.  List three examples of “not-for-profit” businesses (3 marks)
11.  Define the term “public sector” (2 marks)
12.  State, with an example of a business in each, the three main sectors of the UK economy (6 marks)
13.  Give an example of how a business could operate in both the primary and secondary sectors (4 marks)
14.  Define the term “private sector” (2 marks)
15.  Explain one reason why public sector organisations might have different objectives as compared to others in the private sector (4 marks)
16.  Define the term “diseconomies of scale” (2 marks).