Thursday, 24 November 2011

BTEC Business Assignment 1 help

Attached below you will find the assignment breif and the slides that will help you with each section.

Assignment Power Point help

Assignment Brief

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

A Level Business Studies - Interview session class work

Whilst the individual interviews are taking place you need to complete the following case studies:

Case 1 - Tesco - Recruitment and selection

Case 2 - Tesco - Staff training

Mr Allum

Year 10 Business Communication - Sustainability Experts

As Sustainability experts you now need to create a PowerPoint that you could present to a business that explains why they should act in a sustainable manner.

You should look to include:
  • Clear definitions
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Explanations about Social benefits and costs
  • Detailed case examples about how businesses have successfully been acting sustainably
You need to research and find your own examples of case studies, however the links below should give you some ideas what to look for.

Mr Allum

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Year 10 Business Communication 'Ergonomics'

Using this link, you need to a make some notes about the ergonomic issues face within the work place.

Mr Allum

Year 10 Business Communication Blog task

Question 1
Define the following two types of work place developments:
1. Hot desking,
2. Flexible working.

Question 2
List 2 advantages and disadvantages of Flexible working.

Question 3 - Case Study Scenario
Stuart used to work from an office and mainly dealt with computer support problems for the whole business by telephone. He really only needed to be in the office for the two days each week when he was available to repair the computers.

Now Stuart is a home-worker for three days a week. The trouble is that he has re-routed calls to his mobile and often answers queries in the park, the supermarket or even the pub. Sometimes he does not even answer the phone.

1. Was it a good idea to switch his working practices? Explain your answer (6 marks)

2. If Stuart is working from home and unable to answer the phone, what should he do to alleviate the problems people are experiencing in communicating with him effectively? (8 marks)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Year 10 BTEC help

Follow the link above to give you some ideas about the movie maker task that you need to complete. It may give you some ideas about your presentations and some fundamental information to include.

The following link will also provide you with a plethora of sounds and music clips that would be great to play in the background of your movie.

Mr. Allum